Getting Started
GoVenture Online Subscription
Small Business | Micro Business | Health | Life & Money
Accounting | Lemonade Stand | Job Interview | Typing
(Learner Managed and Instructor Managed)
Software License
You purchased a GoVenture Software License for a school or organization.
See below for Software License descriptions.
View System Requirements (what you need to run GoVenture)
Subscription Start and End Dates
Unless you have purchased a fixed-date subscription period, your subscription start date will be set as the moment you use your Subscription Key to create your account, as described below. For example, if you follow the directions below to create your account on Jan 15, your subscription start date will be set to Jan 15, and your subscription end date will be calculated from this start date.
Subscription Key
You have been given a Subscription Key that you will use to create your instructor account online (also called a Simulation Manager account). The Subscription Key is for instructors only (not students) and can only used one time to create your account. Once it is used to create one instructor account, it cannot be used again.
Getting Started
GoVenture Entrepreneur
Follow these directions to get started
GoVenture Health
Follow these directions to get started
GoVenture Job Interview
Follow these directions to get started
GoVenture Life & Money or Personal Finance
Follow these directions to get started
GoVenture CEO, Small Business, or Typing
Go to and click your GoVenture product name
Log in to your account (at the same website as above) using the USERNAME and PASSWORD you created above. You no longer need the Subscription Key.
Detailed information for you and your students is included in the INSTRUCTOR GUIDE, which you can access when you log in above. Find it and more in the yellow Tutorials and Guides tile.
Take note that you must create a GROUP or Simulation Number before your students can play GoVenture. Refer to the INSTRUCTOR GUIDE for details.
If you are a K-12 SCHOOL, review this important guide on how to manage student accounts and protect student privacy:
GoVenture CEO
CEO Instructor Managed Accounts for K-12 Schools
GoVenture Small Business or Typing
Instructor Managed Accounts for K-12 Schools
Done! If you need help please contact us.
Free Resources for You
Invite all the instructors and facilitators at your school to access our many free educational resources at
Product and License Types
The Product and License Type you have licensed are encoded in the GOVENTURE KEY provided to you with your purchase. Refer to your purchase receipt for additional details. To review detailed descriptions of your rights based on the License Type you have purchased, visit
Find out more about GoVenture at